Friday, September 30, 2011

Infamous Amsterdam

** "Coffee" in this post is used in place of other mood altering drugs which are LEGAL in the Netherlands for those 18+

What can I say? Amsterdam is pretty great! We got off the train and found our hostel (which was situated right around the red light district and all of the night life). This hostel was great because we got a double room for what we usually pay for a dorm! Plus they had a cat named Simba, who we loved on lots. (We miss our babies!)

After checking in we decided to do the canal tour. It was an hour long and sort of dull. Probably not worth the 10 euro/person but it was relaxing at least. I like canal tours!

From there we wandered around checking out the infamous Amsterdam coffee shops. For two people who don't know anything about "coffee" everything was overwhelming. All sorts of 'coffee'!!!

With our complete inexperience on the subject we settled for chocolate 'coffee' muffins, called Space Cake, from Freeworld Coffee Shop. After our muffins we sat and had a beer at a bar on the street, and did some people watching.

The smell of 'coffee' fills the streets and everyone around us was smoking. It was surreal to be in a place where it is legal and widely accepted. The dispensing of 'coffee' in Amsterdam has regulations like that of alcohol. You must be 18+ to buy it and can only smoke in public at approved areas. (Bars and coffee shops). Every store has a variety of moking devices, papers and 'coffee' products. Such as beer, candy, energy drinks, baked goods and more! We even saw seed shops, where you can get everything you need to grow your own. It was really interesting.

My muffin made me giggly, and H just got sleepy. So it was a completely lame experience, but I guess 'coffee' just isn't that exciting to begin with. I personally don't see the attraction.

We went back to our hostel and slept. Woke up this morning and went to Alkmaar ro see the famous cheese market. Come to find out, the last one of the season was the first week of September. (Our guide book said it was the last week) so that was a bust.

We still visited the cheese museum and learned how cheese is made. Then we went to a local cheese shop and bought some cheese and crackers for lunch. The cheese was great! We had one that was sort of like sharp cheddar, then other was softer and had herbs in it.

From Alkmaar we took 4 trains to get to Hamburg, where we are now. (And so far it sucks. But that is for another post!)

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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