Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Thing We Took French in School!

All those times people in Texas told me "Why are you taking French? You should learn Spanish!" May have been right. But they were only right today. Because when we're in France, it'll be a breeze.

This morning we got up and showered, then put our dirty clothes back on. Alas, we still don't have our packs. But I guess we'll be wearing dirties for most of the trip, joys of backpacking.

We had breakfast at the hotel, which the online booking told us was included. Unfortunately, (language barrier #1) it wasn't. So although Heather ate her cost, I did not. I'm not a big breakfast person to begin with. Alas, we paid 27 euro at check out. Womp-womp.

Then we continued to the train station, where we ran around trying to figure out where our platform was. The departure boards only showed 1 train leaving at 10:30 and it did not seem to be going to Barcelona. We finally found a gentleman who spoke enough English to point us to a platform. We realized quickly we were in the wrong place when the train had 4 cars, and we were booked on car 8. We found a woman who spoke English and she told us we were at the entirely wrong train station! She was very nice though, and seemed genuinely concerned that we missed our train.

Now we took the Metro across town to the correct station and are waiting at the ticket office to get a new ticket. I hope they still have some spots open on the next train (which departs in an hour)

We knew there would be a learning curve to this. I just hope we got it all out of our system in Madrid! :P

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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