Friday, September 23, 2011

Lyon & Vienne

Well our attempts to handwash our clothes didn't work out so well, seeing as they were all still damp this morning. Oh well, guess they will have to air dry. At least they are clean and smell pleasent.

We check out first thing this morning and caught the Metro to Lyon's second train station. From there we took a trip to Vienne, a city that dates back to ancient Roman times around first century BD!

We had a very French breakfast at the cafe by the train station. Heather had quiche and I had a delicious crouqe monsuier, a traditional French ham and cheese sandwich. From there we headed to the tourist center, but first we got distracted by the post office. We sent out post cards to Lorrie & Bill, The Purcell family and Erin & Chelsea may even get one from Other Bunny. ;)

When we found the tourist office it was situated in a gorgeous park with 100 year old trees that seemed to stretch forever. The tourist office gave us a map of the city and told us to follow the brass Elm tree emblems that lined the streets. It made it very easy to navigate the city and see everything that we needed to see. Plus I made a game of it, I would step on each emblem and declare "a tree!" So we knew we were on the right path.

Our first stop was at the church of Saint Pierre, which was constructed from 5th -6th century AD. Making it one of the oldest churches in France!

Past that was Saint-Maurice cathedral which was erected between the 11th and 16th century AD. It was huge! I love all of the cathedrals of Europe. They just don't build buildings this grand anymore.

Continuing on the route of trees, we found Augustus and Livia temple. This temple dates back to 20 -10 BC. It is essentially perfectly preserved and in the middle of town! There are modern buildings on all sides, then positioned in the center is this beautiful ancient wonder. It was a surreal site for sure.

Trekking along we discovered Saint-Andre le Bas church and cloister, then we crossed the Rhone river to play at the Archaeological site of Saint Romain en Gal Vienne. This site is a neighborhood of ancient Vienne. They have uncovered houses, stores, workshops, warehouses, public baths and roads. There is so much to explore! This ancient neighborhood covers probably 2 square miles (if not more) and you get to wonder freely for only 4 euro/person! We paid our dues and walked around for about 2 hours.

Once we finished at Saint Romain we went back towards the central part of town and checked out their enourmous ampitheatre which can seat 13,000 people!!! Its massive size reminds me of Red Rocks in Colorado.

Our final ancient find was that of Cybele's archaeological garden. It contains the remins of the old Gallo-Roman town, including the archways from a portico that was past of the forum.

After we had finished the 3.5km "Heritage Trail" we headed back to the station. Had a quick snack then caught a train back to Lyon. From Lyon we exchanged euro to Swiss Francs and caught a train to Bern via Geneva.

Currently on that train, and soooo excited for Switzerland!! We're going to an ice palace at the highest train station in the Alps, Jungfrau!!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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