Friday, September 2, 2011

Two Weeks!

Holy wow, Batman! Only a little over 2 weeks until we depart!

I've kicked into stressful/last minute detail mode. It seems like we still have a lot of little things to get done before leaving. Lists are my friend. If I make lists of things to get done I will be able to keep up with the madness. Or, I hope to.

Its surreal really. To plan for something for about two years and then finally its time to just GO! No matter how much you plan and stress and just have to go, and hope for the best.

Heather and I are both blessed with common sense and intelligence. Armed with cultural knowledge and both with Anthropology backgrounds (her more so than me.) Both will come in handy as we embark to 14 countries all with their own language and cultural entities. My hope is to not completely look like the bumbling tourist everywhere we go. I want to enrich myself with other cultures!

All in all, this could possibly be the most outstanding trip in my life. And I just want to do it right!

Safe Travels,
- Kit

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