Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today has been gorgeous. Its beautiful weather outside, we checked in to a really great hostel, and the airline is paying us 100 euro per person/day for still not knowing where our packs are!!

Suddenly, I'm not too worried. We spent the day in downtown Barcelona. Walking along the La Rambla and around the Gothic Quarter. We also spent time around Catalunya.

With our new budget we each got a new outfit and some basic toiletries. I also got a backpack to tote our new treasures in. We honestly have no idea when we'll be getting our luggage! So perhaps we will have 200 euro to buy clothing tomorrow as well. ;)

Tonight we are going to take the Metro back to our hostel, sleep a little, then get up early to adventure to Tarragona.

The Metro systems is Madrid & Barcelona have been amazing! Simple to navigate and pretty cheap. They also have lots of convienent stops throughout the city.

We must be doing something right to blend in, we have been stopped and mistaken for locals at least 6 times!! Tourists have stopped us and asked for directions or which train goes where! Its awesome to blend in :) Even though we have been doing our fair share of map reading and asking directions too. 

Overall its been a great day!! Tomorrow should be fun to experience the walled city of Tarragona!!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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