Monday, September 19, 2011

Off to a Bumpy Start

First leg of the flight was a blast! KLM is a great airline, with lots of entertainment and food. Lots of food!! The 8.5 hours direct flight went by swimmingly. Arrived in Amsterdam, printed our boarding passes, rushed through customs, and headed out to our final destination of Madrid.

That's where things went wrong. When we got to Madrid we joined the rest of our flight at the baggage claim. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 45 minutes. Nothing. Finally a worker called over the loud system for our flight to go to the lost & found claim window. So for a reason still unknown to us, NONE of the baggage from our flight made it to Madrid!!! Everyone was really pissed, because the airline couldn't even tell us WHERE our baggage was! Not to mention everyone was left without clothes & such!! We were in an especially tough situation because we are hostelling, and don't have 100% set plans. Yet, the airline required an address to send our packs to. After 5 hours of waiting around the airport, we finally just booked a hotel for the night near the main train station. Called home and had H's mom track our stuff down, then booked a hostel for the next two nights in Barcelona to have a semi-permenant address. Here's to hoping we get our stuff tomorrow!! We only have the clothes on our backs, our money & cards, passports & train passes, phones and cameras. So I suppose, it really could be worse.

After finally straightening stuff out with the airline we wandered around the heart of Madrid for the last 5 hours. Which truly brightened up our crappy day!! What a fun city! We wandered aimlessly on/off the Metro and found our way to the Opera, the Crystal Palace and we even managed to find the infamous Chocolatier!!

We stopped and had hot chocolate and churros! :) Sam Brown was not lying, you could set a spoon on top of the chocolate and watch it sink...very...very...slowly. Heather was in heaven! It tasted like dark chocolate and hazelnut, and the churros were splendid!!

Currently, we're on the Metro heading back to our hotel. Finally time to get some shut eye. (Remember, its 11pm its 4pm at home) A 7 hour time difference, a total of 10 hours in the air, and forever fretting over our bags has wiped me out!

Tomorrow morning we are having breakfast at the hotel then off to Barcelona!!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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