Saturday, September 24, 2011

Swiss Alps

This morning we got up early (its a common theme) and had breakfast at our hostel. We're staying at the Youth Hostel Bern which is part of Hostels International. HI offers affordable, reliable hostels almost everwhere in the world. Our hostel has over 200 rooms!!! And lots of ammenities including free lockers, breakfast, a laundry room, pool, and key card for the front door and your room.

We're staying in a 6 bed female dorm, with two other girls. The breakfast this morning we buffet style with cereal, oatmeals, toasts and fresh jam. 'Twas delicious!

After a filling breakfast we went to Interlaken and caught a few trains til we reached Jungfrau- Top of Europe. It took about 2 hours from Interlaken to climb up the mountain on 3 different trains! Jungfrau is 11,333 ft and is the tallest peak in Europe and the highest train station. It cost 140 SCF (Swiss Franc) per person to go to the summit.

Once at Jungfrau we got to explore an ice palace with cool scenes cut out of a glacier in the side of the mountain!! That alone was worth the fee, but there was more. We also go to go out on the plateau and take pictures of the Swiss Alps, play a little in the snow and simply enjoy the breath taking view from 11,333 ft!!! Past the plateau we went to the Sphinx observatory which was another 108m up. It was so amazing! They even had a "snow fun" center. It had snow tubing, sleding, and more! That part cost extra so we didn't go.

The view from Jungfrau was simply amazing. I've been on top on many mountains, but the Alps are just sheer awe-inspiring. It was an amazing journey.

After our day atop Europe's highest peak we took the trains back down the mountain into Interlaken. We walked around and found a resteraunt that we both agreed on called "Des Alps". Heather had a potato dish with mushrooms, bacon, and Swiss cheese. It looked like stir fry. I had a sausage dinner with two sausage links warpped in Swiss cheese and bacon with fries on the side. We also each had a local beer. Everything was delicious!! I'm so glad to have tried some Swiss cuisine! We were going to try dessert but our waitress took 30 minutes just to bring out the bill. So we paid and left.

We came across a chocolate shop and each of us had a truffle for dessert. I tried the Bailey's truffle and Heather had the honey one. Both were covered in Swiss chocolate and both hit the spot. Nothing better than Swiss cheese and chocolate!

Today we decided on our souveniers! We had been debating what to do because we don't want to haul a lot with us, but we want something to remember each country. I came up with the idea of buying a patch to put on our back pack from each country we visit! This way over the years they will be covered in memories. And patches don't take up room or weight for us to lug around. The only bad thing is we didn't get patchs from Spain! Perhaps we will order some online. Luckily we will be back in France before we leave! Heather got a Bern patch with the bear of the Bern flag and I got the Swiss flag!

We are on the train back to Bern now. We are going to do laundry and shower tonight then do a walking tour of the city tomorrow before departing for Germany for Oktoberfest!

So far Switzerland is definately our favorite country. Everyone here is so nice and everyone we have encountered has spoken perfect English. Switzerland doesn't actually have one national language, they have four! German, French, Italian and Romansch. Most Swiss can speak all 4 PLUS English! Its very impressive. It did however make for a fun day, listening to cashiers or train workers switch in and out of each language flawlessly.

Tomorrow night at this time we'll be in Munich!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure. It is amazing to me how you remember all the details of each site visited. I am in awe just following if I were there. Ever considered international tour guide as an occupation? Always excited to read your news. Many thanks for taking the time to share with us all!! Love you both and happy to hear your trip is as full of excitement as you expected. happy Ocktoberfest!!
