Friday, September 23, 2011

Travel Day

This morning we checked out of our hostel around 8:00am, from there we caught the Metro to Barcelona-Sants train station (estachio). We got on the 9:00 train to Figures, then switched to the train to Montpellier. When we arrived at Montpellier we suddenly switched into French mode! Heather and I each took French for 3 years in high school, but suddenly we crossed into France and we are getting along great!

We have only talked to the train attendants, information attendants, cashiers, etc en Francais. We reserved seats on our next two trains from Montpellier, then sat down for a refreshing Orangina.

We took the commuter train to Marseille and finally had 2 hours to stretch our legs. Got a couple of Metro tickets and hit the city center. We had our daypacks and backpacks, but still hiked 1.5 miles toward the beach and up 126 stairs to get a view of the city from Ft. Nicholas. We enjoyed the sea breeze for a bit then turned around and trekked back to the station.

We are on our final train for the evening, heading for Lyon. We are simply stopping over in Lyon for the night. Tomorrow we are going to Switzerland!

I forgot how much I love France. :) Its the only European country I had been to prior to this trip! And although today was mostly just travel, and tonight we are stopping over....we will be back in France later in our journey. We can't wait to visit Paris together! We have both been seperately, but nothing says romance like a date on the Eiffel Tower with your wife!

UPDATE: we wandered around Lyon til we found our hotel. Its only 15 minutes from the train station on foot. Apparently reception closed at 19:00, and we got here at 22:45!! They had text me the code to get in the building and a code for a safe. Come to find out they left our key in a safe by the reception area. So we got into our room and its actually an economy apartment! We have a kitchen, table area, desk, bookshelf, closet, tv and double bed. Plus we have a patio. Only thing is, the laundry room is closed and without the receptionist we can't get wi-fi and we need to look up train schedules for tomorrow. :( (I blog in advance and post when I find wi-fi)

Heather is happy though because there is an awesome bathtub, and she got to take a hot bath. She is very excited to smell nice. I did a load of laundry in the sink with our Tide packets. Then used rope from my pack to create a clothesline on the patio. I'm so handy!

Now we're watching Bones in French! They all sound super silly in French. Good luck translating those anatomy and forensics terms.

Its extremely nice just to lie around. We won't have too much down time the entire trip, so I will enjoy what I can get.

Au revior pour ce moment!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather 

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