Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hamburg Sucks

So Hamburg is off to a crappy start. We got in last night about 7:30, which is probably the earliest we've gotten to any of our hostels! We checked in and the lady is like "You know you are in seperate rooms right?" And I replied "umm, no...."

Apparently even though we booked 2 beds for 2 nights this place just puts you in ANY 2 beds. This is the same booking procedure we have used the whole trip and we are always in the same room, most of the time sharing the same bunk. So right off the bat I was pissed.

Then we went to my room (we are also on seperate floors!) And there was luggage and things everywhere. Its a 9 bed room, 3 bunks, 2 beds put together as a double, and an extra cot. Unlike any of the other hostels we've stayed at, this place doesn't assign your actually bed. So I took the only available bed which was a top bunk.

We went to Heather's room and found out not only did hers have TWO open beds, one person had checked in yesterday and leaves when we do, and they were travelling alone. So umm, why did they not get 301 and I get to stay in 513 with Heather??

We went to ask reception if I could switch to 513 since there was still an extra bunk. But the girl simply said "No we're full" and didn't even offer to look in the computer or anything!

We ended up staying in last night and just sat in the lobby for a while. We went to bed about 12:30a which is early for this trip. And planned to meet in the lobby at 10:00am (sleeping in!).

When I got to my room there was no one there, so I went to sleep easily. Then about 2am 4 loud, drunk girls came in. They were stumbling around in the dark and tripping over stuff. The one in the bunk next to me (the headboards touch) found my head in the dark and exclaimed "I found a bunny!" Then I shoved her and she screamed, followed by promptly passing out.

Back to sleep. Then at 4am someones phone started ringing. It rang for a good 15 minutes before I heard a guy answer it. He then started shouting obscenities and ran out of the room. Probably 20 minutes later he returned with 3 drunk guys, one of which was being drug on his back and was completely passed out.

The 4 of them drug the one guy over to the corner and he started throwing up on the floor, and himself. Another guy threw up in the bathroom. They loudly discussed whether the passed out guy was breathing or if he had alcohol poisioning...I suspect he did...

They finally shut up about 5ish. Then back to sleep. At 8am I awoke to the sound of one of the guys peeing on the floor by his bed. He simply sat up, dropped his pants and peed on the floor. He then passed out, sprawled across his bed, with his pants around his ankles. His junk in full view.

At this point I said "Screw it" and got up and got ready. I had my towel hanging up to dry from my shower last night, but I didn't want them to use it today for "clean up" so I hid it before leaving the room.

When I got out of the room I noticed there is a trail of vomit all the way down the hall and to the elevator.

I went to reception and told them about my night and begged to switch rooms. To which she said "oh wow, that is not right! But we're full."

So I have just beeing waiting around the lobby until Heather comes down at 10. Meanwhile I'll be looking for another place to stay, even if we loose what we already paid for tonight.

Welcome to Hamburg!

Safe Travels,
- Kit

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