Sunday, October 16, 2011


We got to Florence this morning at 6:20. It took about 30 minutes to figure out the bus system and where to get a ticket. We got on our bus...going the wrong direction! So it took 45 minutes to get to our stop...instead of 15. Oops!

Our hostel gate is right at the bus stop, then its a 0.3 mile walk to the actual hostel. It is an actual villa! Situated in the woods, overlooking a is the picturesque Italian villa! I'm so excited to stay here for 5 days!

We couldn't check in yet, but they allowed us to stow our packs. So then it was back to the train station for our first Italian day trip! Today we went to Pisa!

They really aren't kidding, that tower is leaning!! Forget every picture, movie, illistration, etc. until you are standing in front of it, its hard to comprehend the angle of the tower! Its really crazy.

We paid the €15/ person to climb the 300+ stairs to the top. It was awesome! As you go up the spiral staircase you feel the gravity change on the side that's leaning. Once on top its an adreniline rush to look over the leaning side and see where you would land if it finally toppled.

We spent time laying in the grass beside the tower and taking lots of silly tourist pictures. You truly look photo shopped into them! The tower is stunning.

We also went into Pisa Cathedral, whose architecture and beauty match that of the tower. The entire square is gorgeous and we had absolutely lovely weather today!

After Pisa we headed back to Florence for dinner. Real Italian dinner!! Our hostel serves dinner for cheap each night. Tonight it was homemade lasagna, chicken breast, roast potatos, salad and bread. :) Good meal to end a long day!

We have a VERY early morning tomorrow so looks like we'll be turning in early tonight. Off to Genova to see the 2nd largest aquarium in Europe! They have close to 1 million gallons!!

Safe Travels,
- Kit & Heather

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