Friday, February 11, 2011

Né de cette façon... Translators

So after rocking out all morning to Lady Gaga's new single "Born This Way" and news of it already reaching iTunes #1 all over the world... suddenly I was struck with the thought of "Oh crap, talking to people in Europe is probably important."

Thus, today I'll be checking out some translators. Although, I'm not entirely sure why we haven't found/implemented Douglas Adams' Babel Fish. This could minimize a lot of language barriers and would save me upwards of $100 that I'll probably end up spending on a translator. While we're implementing awesome ideas from fictional novels, may I also add that a  Firebolt broomstick would be an exceptional way to tour Europe.

Nevertheless, I am faced with 459 results on when I search "electronic language translator". Here's the kicker, we're going to A LOT of different countries. So I really need to find one that translates (at least) the following: English to.... French/German/Spanish/Italian/Greek.

However, I just found this translator from Sharper Image which translates EXACTLY the six languages I need. Hurray for Sharper Image! This looks like a winner, but of course no matter what fancy gadget you get, you'll never be able to fully communicate when you don't know the language you're trying to communicate in.

Luckily Heather and I both took a few years of French in high school. But that was, well...a while ago! And we'll be spending the least amount of time in France. Ironic I suppose. Meh, C'est la vie.

If anyone can recommend a decent multi-language translator that'd be great! Cause I'm for sure not bringing a dictionary for each country. (Talk about back pain! Eek!)

Merci beacoup mes lecteurs joyeux! 

Bon Voyage,
- Kit


  1. I never got a translator, but if you ever wanna check out travel books, my family and I only use Rick Steves. He's the biggest nerd ever, but he knows his shit. He he.

  2. Check out aps for your phone. There are some really nice ones out for ipone, anywhoo!

  3. Unfortunately, our phones won't be anything more than paperweights over there. :P We'll have a pre-paid global cell.

    Claire, I checked out some Rick Steves books at Borders and I approve!
