Thursday, August 4, 2011


Well, as I briefly mentioned in my last post...our plan to get to Europe and trek around aimlessly did not work out to our benefit. We had to plan things out a lot more than expected. Mainly, because a couple of the things we want to see are time sensitive.

The main two things that are "musts" are Oktoberfest in Munich and this amazing cheese market in Amsterdam! We wanted to also go to Tivoli Gardens (Copenhagen), but they close the amusement park on Sept 25th for the down season.

Our first draft itinerary looks like these are the cities we'll be staying in. There are others we will be visiting on day trips.

Madrid, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Lyon, France
Bern, Switzerland
Munich, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Paris, France
Brussels, Belgium
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hamburg, Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark
Stockholm, Sweden
Oslo, Norway
Berlin Germany
Prague, Czech Republic
Vienna, Austria
Salzburg, Austria
Venice, Italy
Florence, Italy
Rome, Italy
Patras, Greece
Athens, Greece

Other cities we will be visiting:

Tarragona, Spain
Vienne, France
Interlaken, Switzerland
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Bruges, Belgium
Norrkoping, Sweden
Verona, Italy
Milan, Italy
Bologna, Italy
Pisa, Italy
Vatican City
Capri, Italy
Brindisi, Italy

We have A LOT planned, but we are good on budgeting our time. Plus we will have time to rest on the trains and in the sweet hostels we've found. While Heather has been researching day-trips and sight-seeing opportunities, I have been living on Hostel World, reading reviews and comparing prices/locations/accommodations/etc

Ironically, in some cities it's cheaper to stay in a hotel for a night than a hostel! Which will be nice, because a private shower will be few and far between. Not to mention getting to sleep in the same bed. I mean most of the trip we'll be sleeping in twin sized bunk beds!

I'm really excited! There is just over a month until we depart, and although I know 1 million things could go wrong.... I'm really not worried. We have rail passes, a guide book, a loose plan and 6 weeks in EUROPE! No matter what, this is going to be an amazing trip. Besides, if we don't see everything we wanted to on this trip, we will just have to go back again. :)

Safe Travels,
- Kit

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