Friday, July 8, 2011

TWO Months!

It's getting so close! I cannot believe we are just a little more than two months out from Europtrip 2011! A lot has been going on in the last couple of months, and I have neglected to update the blog as much as I wanted to. So let me catch everyone up!

We moved back to Dallas in April and everything has been a whirl-wind since. I've been really busy at work and Heather got an internship at the Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas!! After discussing leave of absence options with my General Manager it came down to the fact that the company couldn't promise I would have a job post-Europe if I took a 6 week leave. So I did the most logical thing.... I put in my notice. My last day with AMC will be 9/8! I've been with them for over 5 and half years, but NOTHING will stand between us and a care-free European adventure. (Don't worry I have a new job lined up for when we return)

We bought and received our Eurail passes, have been scouring our guide book for hot spots, and have started looking into hostels. We're going to get memberships with Hostels International, which will provide us with a discount on over 2000 hostels in Europe! The membership is only $28/person and lasts for a whole year. Not to mention that it's good at almost every hostel in the USA as well. Superb!

We have a flight into Madrid, Spain on 9/18 and a flight out of Athens, Greece on 10/31. In between will be slightly structured, but mainly random adventuring! It's so exciting, yet a little scary. We are compiling a list of "must see" cities and attractions so we can sort of map out our route. There's so much awesomness in Europe it's impossible to squeeze it all into six weeks, but we will do what we can.

I'll be blogging again soon! Don't forget, donations welcome at Our Donation Site! Every $5 donated earns you a postcard from Europe!!

Safe Travels,
- Kit

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